Why are Negative Ions so Healthy?

When water is atomized, negative and positive charges are separated. Ions (charged particles) are formed when enough energy acts on a molecule such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, water or nitrogen to eject an electron. The displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a negative ion. The original molecule (minus an electron) is now a positive ion. These ions, in turn, react with dust and pollutants to form larger particles. Small negative ions (usually no more than 12 gaseous molecules clustered around a charged atom or molecule) are short-lived and highly mobile. We can find negative ions in nature. For example, molecules which are torn from the surface of water bear a negative charge (small negative ions) whereas large drops or the entire mass of water are positive.

This provides an explanation for the refreshing, invigorating effect of residences close to a waterfall or spring, or even after rain. However, in the cities, in closed rooms, in cars etc., the proportion of negative ions is markedly reduced compared with undisturbed nature. According to the experts, positive ions rob us of our good senses and dispositions, while negative ions enhance them, stimulating everything from plant growth to the overall well-being of the human body.

Some of the reactions which improve physical and mental capacity have since become known:

Negative ions accelerate the oxidative degradation of serotonin whereas positive ions have the opposite action and inactivate the enzymes which break down serotonin. An increase in serotonin level produces:

  1. tachycardia
  2. a rise in blood pressure
  3. bronchialspasm going as far as asthma attack
  4. increased intestinal peristalsis (contractions and dilations of the intestines to move the contents onwards)
  5. increased sensitivity to pain
  6. increased aggression

The regulation of serotonin levels is calming and increases defenses against infection (as proven with influenza the flu)
Negative ions produce an increase in hemoglobin/oxygen affinity so that the partial oxygen pressure in the blood rises but the partial dioxide pressure decreases. This results in reduced respiratory rate and enhances the metabolism of water-soluble vitamins. In addition, negative ions produce an increase in pH making body fluids more alkaline.

This article is from raum & zeit (Space & Time),
Vol. 1, No. 5, 1989/90, page 85.

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